Glazier Information

What Are The Building Standards For Glass In Australia?

Learn About the AS1288:2021 Australian Glass Standards

Any piece of glass installed into Australian buildings must comply with the Australian Standards, whether it's windows, doors, glass shopfronts, glass fences, awnings, or shower screens.

These safety standards are used by glaziers, architects, builders, building designers, and building surveyors alike to determine the use and installation of glazing throughout Australia.

They are the technical guidelines for glaziers to comply with and provide a uniform set of safety rules and regulations that ensure the safety of glass products and installation throughout Brisbane and Australia.

The following information summarises the important details of the AS1288:2021 standards on glass selection and installation. This is intended to be an easy-to-use guide for homeowners and builders to refer to, but the actual AS1288:2021 publication should always be the main source of information regarding Glass Standards in Australia.

These guidelines will inform you of everything glazing related in the following areas:

  • Glass Materials
  • Glass Thicknesses
  • Glass Drop Heights
  • Glass Size Requirements
  • Glass Installation Requirements
  • Wind Loading
  • Criteria for Human Impact Safety
  • Framing Requirements


  • The glass that we are referring to in this guide is for glass windows and mirrors that is within 2m of the floor level. Anything above this has its on set of guidelines.
  • The glass in this guide applies to glass with a maximum wind load of 1.5 ULS and .80 SLS, with an aspect ratio not greater than 4.

Disclaimer: The information in this guide has been provided with as much effort to ensure all information is accurate, however, JRC Glass Solutons is not responsible or liable for anything done in accordance with this guide.

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Australian Glass Standards for Windows

You must use Grade A Safety Glazing where the lowest slight line is less than 500mm from floor or ground level.

You CAN use ordinary annealed glass with a thickness above 5mm in fully framed glazing only, in window areas of up to 1.2m². You CANNOT use ordinary annealed glass in larger areas than this, regardless of glass thickness.

Glass within 300mm of the nearest edge of a doorway opening must be fully framed, and must be Grade A Safety Glass with the following exceptions:

Ordinary annealed glass above 5mm thickness may be used within window areas up to and smaller than 0.3m², for example an area that is 500mm x 600mm. Anything above this thickness must be Grade A safety glass.

Some other important standards to adhere to are as follows:

  • Areas that exceed 0.1m² cannot use 3mm and 4mm glass, with a maximum window width of 125mm.
  • Areas that exceed 0.26m² cannot use 5mm and 6mm glass, with a maximum window width of 300mm.
  • 10mm glass or greater cannot exceed a window area of 0.5m²
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Australian Glass Standards for Doors

If you have a glass panel going into your home or business, take a look at it and ask yourself if anyone could potentially mistake the glass panel for a door opening.

If the answer is yes, then you need to use Grade A Safety Glass.

Glass panels can not be mistaken for a door if they have the following characteristics:

  • The width of the glass panel is less than or equal to 500mm
  • The height of the glass panel is less than or equal to 1000mm
  • The glass is 500mm above the floor level in residential buildings
  • The height of the glass panel is less than or equal to 1000mm
  • The glass is patterned, opaque, or leadlight
  • A chair rail, handrail, or transom runs across the glass, with its upper edges above 700mm from the floor, and its bottom edge below 1000m above the floor level.
  • The glass panel is louvred with louvre blades below 230mm
  • The glass panel is marked for visibility with motifs at the following specifications depending on glass height:
    - Door height of 2400mm has a motif height of 1187mm.
    - Door height of 2100mm has a motif height of 1037mm.
    - Door height of 2065 mm has a motif height of 1019mm.

Some other important standards to adhere to are as follows:

Sliding door Australian Standards
  • Sliding doors should always use Grade A Safety Glass. (Fixed panel sliding doors)
  • You can use 5mm of 6mm annealed glass if the panel is less than 0.26m², with the max panel width being 300mm ('Ovolo' federation sliding doors, with panels individually glazed)
  • You can use 3mm or 4mm annealed glass if the area is less than 0.1m², with the max panel width being 125mm. ('Ovolo" colonial sliding doors with panels individually glazed)
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Aluminium windows that adhere to australian standards

Safety Standards for Glass in Australian Buildings

Bathroom Windows

There are specific safety standards to follow for window glazing in bathrooms, ensuites, and spa rooms in Australia.

All glass within a bathroom must be glazed to Grade A Safety Glass, or Grade B safety glass for fully framed glazing. This includes mirrors below 2000mm from the floor level.

  • Frameless shower screens and mirrors must be Grade A toughened glass or toughened laminate glass with a thickness above 6mm.
  • Semi-frameless glazing must be glazed with Grade A Safety glass with a minimum thickness above 5mm, as long as the area doesn't exceed 2.2m²

Staircases & stairways

Glazing and glass (including mirrors) in staircases and stairways must be Grade A Safety glass in the following cases:

  • Windows within 2m of the floor level must use Grade A Safety Glass.
  • Window glass areas within 1m parallel of any part of the stairs must use Grade A safety glass.
  • In windows where the glazing is protected by a solid barrier, safety glass is not required. This only applies to areas not less than 1000mm in height.

Glass in schools

For schools, aged care buildings, early childhood centres, retirement villages, and nursing homes, there are specirfic safety glass standards that muat be adhered to.

  • Schools and preschools must have Grade A safety glass in any glass 1000mm from the ground floor.
  • Aged care buildings, retirement villas, and nursing homes must have fully framed glazing with Grade A Safety glass in any glass 1500mm from the ground floor.

Glass Markings for visibility

The glass must be marked as visible if the glass can be mistaken for a doorway or opening and isn't made visible through other means (opaque glass, railings, louvres etc.).

The glass markings must be in the form of an opaque motif permanently etched into the glass and cannot be removed in a single action. They should adhere to the following rules:

  • Motifs must be more than 20mm in height to ensure clear visibility
  • The motifs upper edge must be above 700mm from floor level
  • The motifs lower edge must not be below 1200mm from floor level

All original glass panels are to be marked in accordance with AS2208 safety standards. Safety Glass requires a label including the name, trademark, or code of the manufacturer or supplier.

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